Freethinkeruk’s Weblog

UK Political weblog

Archive for the category “survellance”

Our NHS Under Attack

I have spoken of this before but now there is confirmation that the attack by the private health companies is intensifying. At worst we will have no National Health Service left or at best a two tier service with those who can afford it having private treatment with the latest technologies and drugs and for the rest of our citizens only basic health care in a deteriorating service.

Not only will this division in health be immoral and a negation of the principles laid down when the NHS was founded but will inevitably lead to social unrest on an unprecedented scale. This in turn leading to even more central control, surveillance and repression. The systems are in place already and they just need implementing in full and then it will be too late to save our society from total disintegration.

It may not be too late if we act now and act together. We can protest to our Members of Parliament, we can write blogs and write to the papers, we can demand to know who benefits from any treatment that we may need and above all we can refuse to have any treatment carried out by these private companies. We insist on only full NHS care. It can be done as I pointed out a while back. Please don’t shrug your shoulders at yet another blog, this is the biggest threat facing us, do something, anything.

Posts & Comments

Since I started this blog back in May of this year I have written on many topics including how our civil freedoms and liberties are being eroded away, to the point where almost everything is in place for total control of our populace. I have written on potential environmental disasters that threaten not just us but the World as we know it and I have written about the appalling waste of resources and life in Iraq and Afghanistan.

What though has attracted the highest number of comments? It is the release at the end of their sentence of the, now young men who killed James Bulger. It was indeed a terrible thing that they did but it was TEN years ago. In that time millions of people have starved to death, global warming continues to rise along with massive pollution of our only planet. The once thriving nation of Iraq has been all but destroyed along with hundreds of thousands of lives including hundreds of our young men and women in the armed forces.

So why all the comments on the James Bulger case? Could it be that the other matters to which I allude above, seem so far beyond our control that we can more easily focus our feelings of rage and impotence on two little boys of ten years ago? The sad truth is that in avoiding confronting those who would control us and ruin our planet we bring about our own subjugation. Let us focus our energy on what we can possibly change and leave to the judgement of history that which we cannot change.

Music, ISP’s & the Surveillance Society

Brokered by the Government six of the biggest ISP providers have agreed to monitor music uploading and downloading. Anyone caught sharing music on-line will be written to and maybe have their connection slowed or even terminated.

I’m not going into whether file sharing should be legal or not, what concerns me is that this is yet another example of loss of privacy and additional surveillance. Already mobile ‘phone conversations and emails are kept for two years and the police are able to ask for them on demand. Plans are afoot for the police to have copies automatically sent to their central computer so that they don’t even have to give a reason for wanting them. Total control of our citizenry marches ever closer. We must fight back before its too late, but how?

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