Freethinkeruk’s Weblog

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Archive for the category “faith schools”

My Country; Where have you gone?

The most popular boy’s name in Britain is? Gary, John, Peter, even Oscar?

No! It’s Mohammed.

Time to End ‘Faith’ Schools?

Amendments proposed by Ed Balls to the Children, Schools and Families Bill will allow ‘faith’ schools to more or less opt out of the requirements on sex education that will apply to all the State schools.

These schools will have to teach children aged seven to 11 about relationships including marriage, same sex and civil partnerships, divorce and separation and Secondary school students are to learn about sexual activity, reproduction, contraception and same sex relationships. So far so good but there is a but, a very large but. The teachers in these schools can then go on to say for example, that in our religion using condoms is wrong and sinful and we ban their use. They can say that homosexual relationships are an abomination to God and that in some parts of the world where our religion is practiced they are killed for it. It doesn’t take a genius to see where this could lead.

I guess in a democracy it would be virtually impossible to ban faith schools but there is no reason that they should be funded by the state. It is time, surely, that state funding should be withdrawn and those that want to educate their children in weird beliefs should pay for this dubious privilege.

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