Freethinkeruk’s Weblog

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Archive for the category “BNP”


A couple of weeks ago a 94 year old German man was found guilty of ‘assisting’ in the murder of thousands at Auschwitz. He was an 18 year old soldier clerk and if he had refused to do his job he would have been shot and someone else appointed.
The time to resist is not when you have to choose between life and death but when the dark forces of right wing racism, xenophobia, greed and hatred are on the rise. When a man (or woman), in this case Jeremy Corbyn, show the way that a better nation, a better way and a better future is possible then the least we should do is to support him even more so when many would pull him down, They may say it is ‘Realpolitik’ we need someone else in order to get elected, someone like Tony Blair perhaps, that resulted in millions dying and many millions more lives ruined.
It’s risky, of course it is, and he and we may lose an election but terrible though that would be it is far better to have taken a stand, to say ‘No! Up with this I will not put’!
You can resist the darkness in little ways by refusing to buy or read xenophobic papers like the Sun and The Daily Mail or Express and email the editors to say you wont. If you see a UKIP/BNP/Britain First stall in your town you can, if you have the courage to, confront them, politely with a smile looking for the humanity that is somewhere inside them.
Sometime in the future you will then be able to look your children in their face and say “I did all that I could, as soon as I could.”

BNP Leader Pelted with Eggs

Nick Griffin was forced to abandon a press conference outside Parliament today and was pelted with eggs before being driven away by his henchmen.

_45893690_grifegg_226The BNP in a free, fair and democratic election has won two seats in the European Parliament. Tens of thousands of people voted for them and the two new MEP’s are their chosen representatives. Most of us may be appalled by this result but it is democracy. Rather than offering the BNP violent protest, which will only give them the oxygen of publicity, let us address the reasons that so many voted for them.

I think it was Winston Churchill who said “I may not agree with what you say but I will defend to the death your right to say it.” If we value freedom, if we value democracy then even when it is difficult, perhaps even more so when it’s difficult, we must defend the right to free speech.

BNP By Royal Invitation

Our Head of State, Elizabeth (the last?), has kindly sent out an invitation to Nick Griffin and his deputy to a garden party at Buck House.

For once I am almost struck speechless. What kind of a signal does this send out to voters with the local and European elections coming up in just a few weeks? The Royal stamp of approval to a bunch of fascist Nazi supporters gives the lie to the oft stated opinion of Royal supporters that we need the Monarchy because of their accumulated wisdom.

Thinking of Voting BNP?

The BNP under it’s leader Nick Griffin try to hide their anti semitism but underneath they are just the same bunch of ignorant thugs as their previous party name the National Front. So if understandably, you are disillusioned by the main parties and thinking of lending your vote to the BNP perhaps the following will help you to think again.

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